Placement Cell

The Placement Cell, GCW Tosham is a student run body headed by teacher convener appointed by the college administration working towards the common goal of getting all the students placed in various companies. Variety of activities are arranged under the placement cell like Conducting aptitude tests, seminars, Group discussions, guest lecturers by subject expert, Industrial experts and Soft Skill workshop. The placement committee takes efforts to call the companies for campus placement.

Training and placement cell activities are perhaps the most important virtue of any institution. It is imperative for all colleges to have a placement cell, where students can learn about the industry connects and understands the nitty-gritty of the corporate world. Placement and Job Fairs are regularly organized by the nodal colleges at district level as per the directions of Director General Higher Education, Haryana.


Roles and Activities of Cell


The career development process includes self-awareness, career exploration and job placement. In order to realize this process, the Training and Placement Office performs the following activities:


§   Guidance for Higher Studies in India or Abroad

Those considering careers in higher education or its related fields will be offered detailed career guidance at the Training and Placement Cell to facilitate their admissions in Prestigious Institutes to pursue higher studies in specialized areas (e.g Universities, Indian Institutes of Management, and IIT.


§   Industrial/Professional Tour

In order to understand the working of Corporate Sector, the Training & Placement Cell plans and executes visits of pre-final/ final year students to different Industries/ Organizations located in different regions of India to get right exposure and opportunity for training.


§   Organization of workshops/seminars for training on Emotional Intelligence

The Central Training & Placement Cell plays a very important and key role in counseling and guiding the students of the university for their successful Career Placement, which is a crucial interface between the stages of completion of academic program of the students and their entry into avenues of suitable employment. The Training & Placement Cell conducts Technical, Aptitude and GK tests every week for enhancing analytical skills and general awareness of students. Soft skills are a quite essential qualification for professionals aspiring to move up the value chain especially attitude, communication and presentation. Group Discussions are organized to promote skills of interaction in group and leadership styles. The company executives/employers will be invited to share their valued expertise on various topics, workplace situations with our students, current trends and future scenario. Eminent management personalities are invited to conduct workshops on Personality Development, Interpersonal and Communication Skills, Time management, Memory Management etc. Participation of students in activities that provide them all round personal and professional growth will be promoted. Thus, this Cell will coordinate various activities/ organize programs such as Career Goal Setting/ Planning/ Mapping, Mock Interviews/ Interviewing Techniques, Group Discussions, Case Studies, Job application preparation, Resume Writing and Referral, Professional Portfolio Development, Dressing Sense, Business Etiquette, Technology Management, Personal Effectiveness for Girl Students, Special training for Socially Backward and Tribal Students etc.